We help you!
Contact us now and tell us what type of accommodation you are looking for. Do you prefer an apartment or a house by the sea? At Salvadó & Gubert we will help you to find what you need.
Remember that if you want to make a home remodeling, you need a plumber or look for a manager for your neighborhood community … At Salvadó & Gubert we also offer you this type of service. Discover our services!
Palamós: +34 972 60 04 11
Platja d’Aro: +34 972 819 338
Barcelona: +34 934 965 736
Palamós, Carrer López Puigcerver 111
Platja d’Aro, Carrer Bilbao 5
Barcelona Gran Via Carles III, 84, 3ª
All our services are still fully operational electronically.
Face-to-face care is provided under the following conditions:
- Attention from Monday to Friday.
- Always by appointment.
- Only one person per appointment.
- Opening hours for suppliers, operators and sales, from 9 am to 10.30 am.
- Hours for people over 65,
In our offices there will be the essential staff, so if you have not agreed on a prior appointment, avoid travel as they will not be able to attended you.
You can communicate with our offices by calling our phones 972600411, 972819338, by email at info@sga.cat, or by WhatsApp messaging also at the numbers 972600411 or 972819338.
We can also attend by appointment via SKYPE, ZOOM or TEAMS.
Given the exceptional nature of the situation, priority will be given to urgent issues, emergency repairs, and issues related to preventive measures by COVID 19.
In case you have to leave us documentation, you can deposit it in the outer mailboxes of our offices.